
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Florida Whirlwind Week

Saturday February 28th, I drove 13.5 hours down to Florida to deliver work, hang a show, visit friends, work out details for a collaborative art project, attend my show's opening, give a demo, and do 2 photo shoots.  Whew - just listing that out makes me want to take a nap!  

I want to thank Lois and Mark Mittleman for hosting me early in the week and for inviting me to do the show at the Fifth Avenue Art Gallery.  It was such a neat experience to return to the place where I'd had my very first solo show almost a decade ago.  

Hanging the show was definitely a group effort.
It's good to have precise friends!  Here's Teresa keeping me on even keel.
Nancy and Lois seeing to the details.
Less talking more working!  Love those socks Suzanne.

The best thing about hanging a show is definitely the lunch afterwards!
Notice the multiple drinks with umbrellas...
After hanging the show, I was able to spend some quality time with Teresa working out the details of a project we will be doing together.  Getting to bounce ideas back and forth for a few days made me feel like I was 5 again and someone had just handed me a bag full of Tootsie-Rolls!

Why yes - that is Teresa making lasagna!  This was my real reason for driving almost 14 hours...

The trip had it's challenging moments.  It was one of those weeks where Mother Nature decided to mess with me.  On a shoot where I could have used some clouds, it was 91 degrees and blindingly sunny.  For the underwater shoot it was dismally grey and the pool turned out to be a dark color.  What are you going to do?  Shoot, pray, and roll with it...  

A huge thanks to Suzanne and Jill for being so patient with this scatterbrained photographer!

My show "Sirens & Muses" will be up at the Fifth Avenue Art Gallery until March 28th for those of you who happen to be in the Melbourne, FL area.  

Luckily, as my trips usually do, this one paid off a week or so after I got back home with a tidal wave of ideas that started flowing faster than I could write them down.

Back to work!